
Get Healthy With a Home Gym (Part 2)


Many workouts can be done with little to no equipment so if you have a small space, you will still be able to create a nice home gym. Here are some ideas for small and affordable equipment to stock your home gym with.

Cardio: A jump rope is great for cardio and easy to store. If you want to increase the challenge you can get some weighted jump ropes. There are also a plethora of exercises that can be done without equipment like jumping jacks, burpees, squat jumps, and running in place.

Strength: To get your strength training in without a ton of equipment you can opt for more compact versions of traditional equipment. An example would be using a balance disc instead of a stability or Bosu ball for your balance and core work. A single pair of adjustable dumbbells, and a set of resistance bands can be a nice addition to your home fitness routine. And don’t forget to incorporate bodyweight exercises too!

Recovery: Stretching is an important part of any exercise and can be done on a soft but sturdy surface. An exercise/yoga mat is just what is needed for a small home gym. If you want a larger surface, you can purchase gym flooring in small squares to fill your space of any size. Foam rollers are important since they can be used for massaging tense muscles, core work, and yoga or Pilates. Rolling out your muscles after exercise has been proven to reduce recovery time, minimize soreness, and increase performance. It is a must-have for any workout.

When stocking your gym, it is best to start with just a few items you know you’ll use and add equipment as you see the need.


With the right storage system, you make the most of your space. You might consider a storage bin for under your bed or couch. If you have an empty wall, this can be used to hang resistance bands, jump ropes, or other tools.

Last, but certainly not least, don’t forget a speaker or boombox for those inspirational workout tunes!


The most important step in creating your home gym is making sure it will be put to good use. Aside from good music, you might consider inviting friends and family to work out with you so you can support and motivate each other on your fitness journey.

By Eid-Co Homes 5-18-2021
